Toutes les chroniques
Pistes Noires* (de préférence) - hommage Électronique-pop à Étienne daho
Asphodells - ruled by passion, destroyed by lust
Ben Lukas Boysen - mother nature
Billy Idol - kings & queens of the underground
Black Egg - legacy from a cold world
Black Marble - a different arrangement
Blonde Redhead - barragán
Brody Dalle - diploid love
Cabaret Voltaire - #8385 collected works (1983-1985)
Cage Apotheek - hushed are the wounds
Cheveu - bum
Covenant - leaving babylon
Delphic - collections
Depeche Mode - delta machine
Détroit - horizons
Die Form - rayon x
Double Nelson - un sentiment étrange
Douglas J. McCarthy - kill your friends
Dryft - the blur vent
Editors - the weight of your love
Empusae - sphere from the woods
Erasure - snow globe
The Faint - doom abuse
Front Line Assembly - echogenetic
Front Line Assembly - echoes
Frustration - uncivilized
Geomatic & Lagowski - cosmochemistry
The House of Love - she paints words in red
IAMX - the unified field
In The Nursery - the calling
Interpol - el pintor
James - la petite mort
Johnny Marr - the messenger
The Julie Ruin - run fast
Karl Bartos - off the record
Kavinsky - outrun
Legend - fearless
The Legendary Pink Dots - chemical playschool 15
The Legendary Pink Dots - taos hum
The Legendary Pink Dots - the curse of marie antoinette
Mathias Delplanque - chutes
Mimetic - where we will never go
Ministry - from beer to eternity
The Mission - the brightest light
Mogwai - les revenants
My Bloody Valentine - m b v
New Model Army - between wine and blood
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - push the sky away
Nimon - drowning in good intentions
Nine Inch Nails - hesitation marks
OMD - english electric
Palms - palms
Polysics - weeeeeeeeee!!!
Polysics - action!!!
Project Pitchfork - black
Rapido De Noir - equidistant lonelinesses
Ruth White - flowers of evil
Seabound - speak in storms
The Soft Moon - deeper
SomethingALaMode - endless stairs
Teho Teardo and Blixa Bargeld - still smiling
Tonikom - seeking the lost mind
Tropic of Cancer - restless idylls
Tweaker - and then there's nothing
Undermathic - indistinct face
Vaporland - vaporland
VNV Nation - transnational
Vox Populi! - half dead ganja music
White Lies - big tv
Wire - change becomes us
Öhm - Öhm
Battle Royale - kinji fukasaku (dvd)
Bowling For Columbine - michael moore (cinéma)
Christophe Siébert - la place du mort – une série z existentielle (livre)
Confusion: Joy Division, Electronic and New Order Versus the World - david nolan (livre)
Control - anton corbijn (cinéma)
Betty Monde - coralie trinh thi (livre)
The Cure - trilogy (dvd)
The Cure Après la Pluie... - david fargier (livre)
The Cure Clinical Prescriptions - d. sureaud, s. cisternino, d. ramage (livre)
The Cure My Dream Comes True - jérémy wulc (livre)
The Cure: Never Enough - jeff apter (livre)
Depeche Mode - one night in paris (dvd)
Depeche Mode - videos 86>98 + (dvd)
Depeche Mode - 101 (dvd)
Dirty Pretty Things - stephen frears (cinéma)
Doves - where we're calling from (dvd)
Einstürzende Neubauten - palast der republik (dvd)
Erasure - hits! the very best of (dvd)
Front 242 - catch the men (dvd)
Génération Extrême 1975-1982 : du punk à la cold-wave - frédéric thébault (livre)
Ghost World - terry swigoff/daniel clowes (cinéma)
Immortel ad Vitam - enki bilal (cinéma)
Isis - clearing the eye (dvd)
Jeepers Creepers - victor salva (cinéma)
Kas Product So Young But So Cold - bertrand lamargelle (livre)
KMFDM - beat by beat by beat (dvd)
Laibach - the videos (dvd)
Laibach - divided states of america (dvd)
The Legendary Pink Dots / Edward Ka-Spel - the eye volume 834 (dvd)
La Maison des feuilles - mark z. danielewski (livre)
Male or Female - primitive reflections twisted from sound (dvd)
Manuella Rebotini - totem & tambour (livre)
Les Miasmes de la Claustration - olivier déhenne (livre)
The Mission - lighting the candles (dvd)
The Mission - the final chapter (dvd)
Mulholland Drive - david lynch (dvd)
Anansi Boys - neil gaiman (livre)
Coraline - neil gaiman (livre)
New York Dolls - new york doll (dvd)
Nine Inch Nails - beside you in time (dvd)
Métal Urbain - Un bon hippie est un hippie mort - ovidie & Éric débris (livre)
Paï - niki caro (cinéma)
Goth Le Romantisme noir, de Baudelaire à Marilyn Manson - patrick eudeline (livre)
Plastic Jesus Coupable - poppy z. brite (livre)
Project Pitchfork - live 2003 (dvd)
The Residents - the commercial dvd (dvd)
Sigur Rós - heima (dvd)
Skinny Puppy - the greater wrong of the right live (dvd)
Speed Tribe - (dvd)
Spider-Man - sam raimi (cinéma)
Star Wars Episode II - george lucas (cinéma)
This is England - shane meadows (cinéma)
Tous Contraints - jean-luc de meyer (livre)
Toutes les familles sont psychotiques - douglas coupland (livre)
Transparences - ayerdhal (livre)
Tuxedomoon - seismic riffs (dvd)
Undead - michael et peter spierig (cinéma)
William Gibson - identification des schémas (livre)
X - yoshiaki kawajiri (dvd)
Par genre (1113 autres chroniques)
Mercredi 18 Septembre